Our Founder
Our Tribe
Grow it.
A growing network of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), LGBTQ+ and disabled social justice facilitators, educators, cultural organizers, and grant-makers grounded in intersectional anti-racist knowledge and practice.
Build it.
We build upon the sacrifices of our ancestors, so that our work may be honored and supported. It is our responsibility to showcase these fierce leaders and their continued influence on our community across the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors.
Sell it.
We align our values and provide support for foundations and philanthropists across the ideological spectrum to establish a collaborative basis for partnerships with local governments, communities of color, and other networks nationwide and globally.
Dream it.
From organizing low-income workers and advocating for reproductive justice, to protecting the right to safe and effective healthcare for persons living with disabilities, when it comes to making history, we’ll be there.